*** SySwitch 2.05 *** SySwitch is designed to make it easy to switch between up to five alternative SYSTEM.INI file configurations. You might, for instance, have alternative SYSTEM.X files for use with different screen drivers or different Windows shells. SYSWITCH.EXE and SYSWITCH.TXT should both be placed in your WINDOWS directory. Before you can put SySwitch to use, you'll have to create the alternative SYSTEM.INI files that you'll use with it, copying your current SYSTEM.INI to them, making the changes that you want, and then giving them names like SYSTEM.800 for a version of SYSTEM.INI that uses an 800x600 video driver, or SYSTEM.NDW for a version that uses Norton Desktop as the Windows shell. Next, run SYSWITCH.EXE and select the Configure option on its file menu. Select the alternative driver that you want to change on the drop down list box (all five alternatives will read "Default" the first time you run SySwitch. Then use the edit boxes below to enter a name for your alternative configuration, and to designate the name of the SYSTEM.INI alternative that it should use. For instance, you might name one alternative: Norton Desktop, 800x600x16 display and identify SYSTEM.NOR as the configuration file. SYSTEM.NOR would be a copy of your standard SYSTEM.INI file in which you'd changed SHELL=PROGRMAN.EXE to SHELL=NDW.EXE and DISPLAY.DRV=VGA.DRV to DISPLAY.DRV=VGA800.DRV. You should create these alternative files prior to attempting to use them with SySwitch. Once you've made your changes on the File Configure screen, click OK to save them (SySwitch saves its own configuration information in a file called SYSWITCH.INI in your Windows directory) or Cancel to abandon the changes. When you press restart, SySwitch deletes SYSTEM.BAK, renames SYSTEM.INI SYSTEM.BAK, copies the specified configuration file to SYSTEM.INI, and then restarts Windows. In addition, per the suggestion of Costas Kitsos, SySwitch accepts command line parameters. Thus, you can create a Program Manager or Norton Desktop icon for it that automatically restarts Windows using the system file specified on the icon's command line. For instance, if you launched SySwitch with the command line: SYSWITCH.EXE SYSTEM.102 It would look for the file System.102 in your Windows directory and use it to restart Windows. The file specified on the command line must be in your Windows directory, SySwitch will not look elsewhere for it even if you specify another directory. Whether you use a command line parameter or select from the list of alternative configuration files, the configuration file that SySwitch uses to restart Windows must be a valid SYSTEM.INI-type file, or Windows will not run. SySwitch does some testing to ensure that the specified file exists. However, it is undoubtedly possible to fool SySwitch into attempting to restart Windows with a non-existent or invalid configuration file. If this happens, and you are unable to start Windows, copy SYSTEM.BAK to SYSTEM.INI to restore your previous configuration. Many of the routines used here were borrowed from other applications available on the MSBASIC forum. Specifically, the CopyFile routine was described in the VBTIPS.TXT file, the 3-D framing routines are variations of one used by the VBTIPS reader, and the RestartProc routine is detailed in the MOREAPI.MAK file. Sincere thanks to the authors of each routine. Paul Bonner Senior Editor PC/Computing Compuserve ID: 76000,13 MCI Mail: PBONNER ============================================== SySwitch 2.0 Version History ============================================== 2.01 Changes Configure listbox & Lalal option buttons linked Configure edit box text selected when they get focus Windows directory caption bug fixed ============================================== 2.02 Changes Fixed operation of Cancel button on Config screen Added Instructions menu item and form ============================================== 2.03 Changes Config unload bug fixed Uses GETWINDIR rather than GETDOSENVIRONMENT function Added Print command to Instructions form Add ability to scroll Instructions from keyboard Added ability to launch with command line parameter. Added status-line Help text to Configure screen. ============================================== 2.04 Changes Fixed bug introduced in 2.03 that prevented changes to the System file specification from being saved. ============================================== 2.05 Changes Added Initial screen to amaze and amuse during loading process. ==============================================